Dr Emma Morrison

Dr Emma Morrison


Dr Emma Morrison FBPhS


NHS Lothian

Year elected:


Primary professional setting:


Emma Morrison is a Consultant in Clinical Pharmacology at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Emma’s current roles within medicines governance include chairing Lothian’s Area Drug and Therapeutics Committee and is a committee member of the SMC. She is also one of the National Poison Information Service (Toxbase) Consultants. Her work supports her passion of ensuring transparent and equitable decision making in prescribing and ensuring appropriate utilisation of medicines from a safety and efficacy perspective. Her published work reflects these interests: spanning toxicology from bench to beside through to the role of medicines policy in value-based healthcare.Emma established the BPS Specialist Training Registrar subcommittee, was a member of the Clinical Committee and served 2 terms as Trustee for the BPS.